Standard HEV Vial

The second technique in this Healing Energy Vibrations vial is 101 Facets of Ahuramazda.

101 Facets of Ahuramazda are 101 different energies which can be called upon to help with life, physical, mental and/or emotional issues. Ahura is associated with “ah,” which means “being” or “existence” and “angh” which means life. This is probably why Ahura is translated as “Lord of Life.” The word “Mazda” means “super-intellect” or “supreme wisdom.” Mazda can also mean “great” or “maximum knowledge,” as well as “great” or “maximum giver.”

Following is a list of the 101 Facets of Ahuramazda with some applications for each. Because the facet (name) may be difficult for people unfamiliar with Ahuramazda to pronounce or remember, the facets are numbered. The Healing Energy Vibrations vial associates each facet of Ahuramazda with the number on this list. If you wish to work with a specific energy facet of the Ahuramazda, with the HEV vial you can call the individual energy by the number, facet name or even by stating the issue you wish to address.

1. Yazad
Meaning: Worthy of being attuned; Praiseworthy
Applications/Common Uses: Anger; headaches; liver/gallbladder; feel well-being; help find lost things

2. Harvesp tavãn
Meaning: Almighty
Applications/Common Uses: Grief; asthma; lung problems; family relationships; strength to carry heavy loads

3. Harvesp âgâh
Meaning: All-Knowing
Applications/Common Uses: Social angst; hyperventilation; queazy stomach

4. Harvesp khudâ
Meaning: Lord of All
Applications/Common Uses: Heart; joy; love relationships; improve comprehension

5. Abadah
Meaning: Without Beginning
Applications/Common Uses: Hormones; parent/child & student/teacher relationships; guilt

6. Abî-anjãm
Meaning: Without End
Applications/Common Uses: Heart; forgiveness

7. Bûneshtêh
Meaning: Root of Creation
Applications/Common Uses: Jealousy; helps clear earaches

8. Frâkhtan-têh
Meaning: The End of All
Applications/Common Uses: Triple heater (thyroid); loneliness

9. Chamag
Meaning: Ancient Cause
Applications/Common Uses: Kidneys; fear; desperation; small intestines

10. Parjatarah
Meaning: More Noble
Applications/Common Uses: Arrogance

11. Tum-afik
Meaning: Most Open (Innocent)
Applications/Common Uses: Insomnia; irritability; depression

12. Abarvand
Meaning: Separate from All
Applications/Common Uses: Thyroid; confusion; instability; travel protection (especially flying)

13. Parvandâ
Meaning: Connected with All
Applications/Common Uses: Hypochondria; negative attention; self-pity

14. An-aiyâfah
Meaning: Unreachable by anyone
Applications/Common Uses: Life transformations; adjustments

15. Ham-aiyâfah
Meaning: Who Can Reach All
Applications/Common Uses: Future focus

16. Âdarô
Meaning: Most straightforward; Truest of All
Applications/Common Uses: Relieve panic; think clearly

17. Gîrâ
Meaning: Who Holds Everyone
Applications/Common Uses: Sexual relationships; male/female interactions

18. A-chem
Meaning: Without Cause (Does not need a reason for existence)
Applications/Common Uses: Obsessive compulsive disorder; break bad habits

19. Chamanâ
Meaning: Reason of All Reasons
Applications/Common Uses: Dyslexia; learning disabled

20. Safnâ
Meaning: Creator of Progress
Applications/Common Uses: Immune system; for financial problems

21. Afazâ
Meaning: Creator of Growth
Applications/Common Uses: Large intestine; withholding; stubborn

22. Nâshâ
Meaning: Who Reaches Everyone Equally
Applications/Common Uses: Gallbladder; gallstones; resentment

23. Parvarâ
Meaning: Provider
Applications/Common Uses: Vulnerable

24. Iyâna
Meaning: Meaning: Protector of Creation
Applications/Common Uses: Kidney problems; fear; insecurity; fear of the future

25. Âin-âênah
Meaning: Not Different
Applications/Common Uses: Increase energy; draw on reserves

26. Ân-âinah
Meaning: Without Shape
Applications/Common Uses: Traumatic stress

27. Khrôshîdtum
Meaning: Most Determined
Applications/Common Uses: Erectile dysfunction; for boss

28. Mînôtum
Meaning: Most Invisible
Applications/Common Uses: Self-destruct

29. Vâsnâ
Meaning: Omnipresent
Applications/Common Uses: Reversals; small intestine; general digestive issues

30. Harvastum
Meaning: Most Complete
Applications/Common Uses: Release loneliness; open your heart to the Divine

31 Hu-sepâs
Meaning: Worthy of Thanksgiving
Applications/Common Uses: Heart; compassion

32. Har-hamîd
Meaning: Completely Good Natured
Applications/Common Uses: Repressed emotions; unexpressed desires

33. Har-nek-farêh
Meaning: Completely Good Noble Aura
Applications/Common Uses: Trauma; bladder/urinary problems; lost

34. Bêsh-tarnâ
Meaning: Remover of Suffering
Applications/Common Uses: Improve sense of smell; clear pains; remove affliction

35. Tarônîsh
Meaning: Mysterious
Applications/Common Uses: Clear negative energy; vision distortion; going before a proud person

36. An-aoshak
Meaning: Immortal
Applications/Common Uses: Rejuvenate; feel youthful; uplift your spirits

37. Farsak
Meaning: Grantor of Wishes
Applications/Common Uses: Clear pains; improve comprehension & understanding; listen

38. Pajôh-dahad
Meaning: Creator of Noble Nature
Applications/Common Uses: Balance body & emotions; contentment; ease

39. Khvâfar
Meaning: Generous with Justice
Applications/Common Uses: Peacefulness; clear disharmony

40. Avakshhiâêyâ
Meaning: Grantor of Generosity
Applications/Common Uses: Thoughtlessness; increase generosity; balance of power

41. Abarzâ
Meaning: Most Abundant Provider
Applications/Common Uses: Joyous giving & receiving

42. A-satôh
Meaning: Who Does Not Get Angry
Applications/Common Uses: Rage; regain control

43. Rakhôh
Meaning: Independent; Without Worry
Applications/Common Uses: Clear pain; security

44. Varûn
Meaning: Protector from Evil
Applications/Common Uses: Fractures; accident prone

45. A-farefah
Meaning: Who Does Not Deceive
Applications/Common Uses: Liberate; let go of unwanted baggage; get out of problems

46. Bê-farêfah
Meaning: Who Cannot Be Deceived
Applications/Common Uses: Clear strife; strengthen relationships; strengthen gums and teeth

47. A-duî
Meaning: Without Duality
Applications/Common Uses: Rejection; feeling unloved

48. Kãmêrad
Meaning: Lord of Wishes
Applications/Common Uses: Sadness

49. Farmãn-kãm
Meaning: Wish Is His Command
Applications/Common Uses: Bad luck; stop downward spiral

50. Âekh-tan
Meaning: Without Body
Applications/Common Uses: Creativity; increase productivity; improve business

51. A-farmôsh
Meaning: Who Does Not Forget
Applications/Common Uses: compassionate understanding

52. Hamârnâ
Meaning: Keeper of Accounts
Applications/Common Uses: lack of discernment; melancholy

53. Sanâêâ
Meaning: Worthy of Knowing; All Knowing
Applications/Common Uses: clairvoyance; psychic awareness

54. A-tars

Meaning: Fearless
Applications/Common Uses: dental pains; bones and teeth; jaw problems

55. A-bîsh
Meaning: Without Suffering
Applications/Common Uses: trapped; confused

56. Afrâzdum
Meaning: Most High
Applications/Common Uses: indecisiveness; enlightenment; all good wishes

57. Ham-chûn
Meaning: Always the Same
Applications/Common Uses: stomach; clear pain; craving; addiction; judgmental

58. Mînô-stîh-gar
Meaning: Creator of the Universe Invisibly
Applications/Common Uses: acceptance of self; softening

59. Amînô-gar
Meaning: Creator of Much Invisible Creations
Applications/Common Uses: connection with others; social engagement

60. Mînônahab
Meaning: Hidden in Invisible Creation
Applications/Common Uses: personal power; circulation; sex

61. Âdar-bâd-gar
Meaning: Who Changes Fire Into Air
Applications/Common Uses: warmth; inner strength

62. Âdar-nam-gar
Meaning: Who Changes Fire Into Water
Applications/Common Uses: liver; inhibited; anger; unhappiness; to keep a cool head; control temper

63. Bâd-âdar-gar
Meaning: Who Changes Air Into Fire
Applications/Common Uses: growths; warts; tumors

64. Bâd-nam-gar
Meaning: Who Changes Air Into Water
Applications/Common Uses: circulatory problems

65. Bâd-gêl-gar
Meaning: Who Changes Air Into Dust
Applications/Common Uses: weight issues; nutrient utilization

66. Bâd-gerad-tum
Meaning: Who Changes Air Into Wind
Applications/Common Uses: increase focus; vision improvement; Improves illness due to heat or spoilt blood, cleans grit in the eyes. Supremacy over all these. This name is effective for good health and for obtaining blessings of food.

67. Âdar-Kîbarît-tum
Meaning: Who Changes Fire Into Jewels
Applications/Common Uses: endocrine disorders; diabetes; for intelligence; for brain power

68. Bâd-gar-jâê
Meaning: Who Creates Air In All Places
Applications/Common Uses: lost love; emotional lability

69. Âb-tum
Meaning: Creator of Much Water
Applications/Common Uses: social instability; isolation; for boss

70. Gêl-âdar-gar
Meaning: Who Changes Dust Into Fire
Applications/Common Uses: deep healing; regeneration

71. Gêl-vâd-gar
Meaning: Who Changes Dust Into Air
Applications/Common Uses: abandonment; dependency; helplessness

72. Gêl-nam-gar
Meaning: Who Changes Dust Into Water
Applications/Common Uses: arthritis; joint problems; movement problems

73. Gar-gar
Meaning: Creator of Creators

Applications/Common Uses: radiculitis; nerve problems; financial problems

74. Gar-ô-gar
Meaning: Fulfiller of Wishes

Applications/Common Uses: clear pains; strengthen connections; strengthen roots

75. Gar-â-gar
Meaning: Creator of Mankind
Applications/Common Uses: infertility; procrastination

76. Gar-â-gar-gar
Meaning: Creator of All Thing
Applications/Common Uses: growth and creativity; imagination enhancement

77. Agarâ gar
Meaning: Creator of 4 Elements
Applications/Common Uses: harmonization; balance

78. Agarâgar-gar
Meaning: Creator of Stars
Applications/Common Uses: astrological issues; worries

79. A-gûmãn
Meaning: Without Doubt
Applications/Common Uses: honesty; fidelity

80. A-zamân
Meaning: Timeless
Applications/Common Uses: spleen; self-worth; self-love; bone marrow; blood disorders

81. A-khuãn
Meaning: Sleepless
Applications/Common Uses: peaceful relaxation; personal world harmony

82. Âmasht
Meaning: Alert
Applications/Common Uses: improve thinking skills; creative writing

83. Fashûtanâ
Meaning: Always Guarding & Progress Creator
Applications/Common Uses: clear pains; balance energy

84. Padmânî
Meaning: Keeper of Limits
Applications/Common Uses: improve situational insight

85. Fîrôzgar
Meaning: Victorious
Applications/Common Uses: heart; compassion

86. Khudâvand
Meaning: Lord of Creation
Applications/Common Uses: synchronize events; create even flow; smooth events

87. Ahuramazd
Meaning: Wise Lord
Applications/Common Uses: improve spiritual connections; increase psychic awareness

88. Abarîn-kuhan tavãn
Meaning: Most Capable of Preserving Originality of Creations
Applications/Common Uses: increase awareness; balance effects of time; return youthful balance

89. Abarîn-nô-tavãn
Meaning: Most Capable of Creating New Creations
Applications/Common Uses: fertility; hormone harmonization

90. Vaspãn
Meaning: Who Can Reach All Creations
Applications/Common Uses: personal peace; acceptance of family; sibling rivalries

91. Vaspâr
Meaning: Who Can Provide Everything
Applications/Common Uses: joyful surprise; warmth

92. Khâwar
Meaning: Generous
Applications/Common Uses: mercy; compassion; allowance

93. Ahû
Meaning: Lord of Existence
Applications/Common Uses: self-confidence; independence

94. Awakshîdâr
Meaning: Forgiver
Applications/Common Uses: forgiveness; acceptance; for financial problems

95. Dâdâr
Meaning: Creator of Justice
Applications/Common Uses: restore peace; balance universal energies

96. Rayômand
Meaning: Full of Brightness
Applications/Common Uses: social introvert; double-minded; restless legs

97. Khôremand
Meaning: Full of Aura, Light
Applications/Common Uses: inner knowing; increase intuition

98. Dâvar
Meaning: Giver of True Justice
Applications/Common Uses: environmental sensitivity; poisonous thoughts

99. Kêrfêgar
Meaning: Lord of Good Works
Applications/Common Uses: remorse; self-pity; open mind

100. Bôkhtâr
Meaning: Giver of Freedom for Progress
Applications/Common Uses: allergies; self-improvement

101. Frashôgar
Meaning: Refresher of the Soul with Progress
Applications/Common Uses: repressed emotions; gas pains, burping

Technical Tips:

With the HEV vial in your energy field, say “101 Facets” or “Ahuramazda” to activate 101 Facets of Ahuramazda Saying “101 Facets” or “Ahuramazda” with intent to bring 101 Facets of Ahuramazda online and make it the currently active technique will stop any other HEV technique currently running and start 101 Facets of Ahuramazda. Once 101 Facets of Ahuramazda completes running, this HEV vial will then continue to run through each technique.

To draw on specific facets the Ahuramazda energies, with the HEV vial in your energy field, call each facet you wish to activate by number or name.

Reflex Muscle Testing (RMT) can be used to find the number(s) of the specific energy facet(s) needed then call them from the HEV vial.  Click here to learn more about Reflex Muscle Testing.

Interestingly, when using RMT to find which of the 101 are needed, you may frequently see #43, Rakhôh (All-energetic) come up as one of the energies needed. One of the things this facet deals with is pain. Localizing a pain (touching the area in pain) and specifically calling on Rakhôh often quite effectively clears pain.


















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